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Acne skin problems can be classified into three categories: severe, moderate, and mild. Which category your skin falls into will determine the steps you need to take towards healthier skin. There are plenty of options for helping heal your skin, and it is worthwhile consulting a professional dermatologist so that you can get your facts straight, as there are a lot of old wives' tales floating around. You especially should take this step if your acne falls in the serious group, or your acne has flared up lately. Consult a skin professional so he can give you some real solutions to help you get your acne under control.
Ways to Handle Mild Acne
Simply rinsing with a cleanser and warm water is a good step if you only suffer with mild acne and it would be good to do this morning and evening. There are also topical creams containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, which dermatologists advise using. They work on the epidermis layer of the skin by dislodging bacteria. You won't see dramatic improvements, but slow regular progress in clearing your skin. Other products that can really help and will be recommended by professionals are specific vitamins.
Get Treatment for Moderate Acne
If you can distinguish whiteheads and blackheads covering half of the skin on your face, you can classify your acne as moderate. This category would also benefit greatly from having a professional check up and recommendations. He will likely suggest you try antimicrobial topical creams or moisturizers containing retinoid. In some cases, there are also oral medicines available to help you in the fight against your acne problems. Light therapy is another popular recommendation, and it is suggested as part of a larger scheme of treatment along with some of the previously mentioned creams. It is really important to treat moderate acne quickly and effectively however, as it can scar your skin, so definitely see a professional.
Solutions for Severe Acne
Cysts can form on people who suffer severe acne and manifest on the skin as red swellings, known as pimples. If this is already showing in your skin, it is usually an indication that scarring has taken place, and the skin has suffered a lot of damage. If you find yourself at this level of suffering with your acne, it is imperative that you see a professional, and it would be even better if you were already seeing a dermatologist before the problem got this bad. The treatment is going to need to be quite aggressive to hit it hard before the more damaging scarring takes place.
Acutane, a well known prescription drug for severe acne, is often prescribed as it is also an antibiotic. Other more invasive treatments involve surgical procedures used to drain the infected areas. Corticosteroid injections are also an often recommended procedure by professionals for treating severe forms of acne. Relying on word of mouth recommendations from friends and family is not advisable, so be sure to seek a professional diagnosis. Take heart because there are professional treatments available to help you in your battle against acne.
Terje Brooks has long experience with writing articles online. He likes to write about alternative health issues among other topics. On his homemade acne treatment site you can get valuable antibiotics for acne info and more.
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