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Friday, June 25, 2010

Blackhead Removal Tool - How to Use One Safely

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Blackheads are difficult to get rid of no matter how often you clean your face or what you use on your pores. Blackhead removal tools are an excellent way to safely remove deep blackheads without re-infecting the pores and causing even more blackheads to develop. It is important to use these tools correctly though, or you may risk damaging your skin.

It is important to prep your skin for an extraction before hand. Wash your face and then place a warm cloth on your face to loosen your skin and open your pores up. This will soften the hardened and dead skin cells that have had time to sit in your pores and build up.

A blackhead removal tool has two ends. One is a small loop and the other will be a hard scraping device. The looped end is what will be used. Place this end of the blackhead removal tool directly over the black head that you want to extract. You should be able to see the blackhead through the loop. First you need to apply a gentle pressure. Not so much that it hurts when you press. At this point the blackhead should be releasing the "gunk" that has built up inside including oil and dead skin. Extreme pressure is NOT recommended when using a blackhead removal tool. Pressing too hard can traumatize the skin and leave scarring or a deep "pit" caused by deep blackheads.

If nothing comes out on your first try, steam your face again with a cloth and repeat the process. It is important to cleanse the area you extracted blackheads from afterwards to prevent further infection and to keep the pores clean. An alcohol swab is a great and cheap thing to use, but you can also apply any type of acne cream that is designed to fight surface bacteria. Salicylic acid is excellent for both pimple treatment and blackhead and whitehead treatment.

Blackheads on sensitive areas, such as the nose, are prone to a bit more pain. You should always be as gentle as possible with sensitive areas, and careful not to stretch or damage the pores. Constant mistreatment of your skin can lead to unsightly pitting, scarring, and even deeper blackheads if you are not careful. Safely using a blackhead removal tool can lead to clear skin and a wonderful complexion if used properly.

Kristeen loves to write about blackhead removal tool and hope you'll read about squeezing blackheads.

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