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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Are The Things That Can Aggravate Acne?

In general the causes of acne are mainly due to the effects of the acne bacteria, masculine hormone androgens and the oil glands inflammation being combined all together. The formations of acne go through such mechanism: over production of oil, blockage of the skin pores, and the inflammation.

Occlusive Factors: in acne, being occlusive means the skin pores are being blocked. Some factors that can cause the obstruction include hairspray, certain cosmetics, greases, and oils. A prolong contact with damp clothes, sweating and humidity as well as wearing helmets or hats, all can have contribution to the acne problems also.

Medications: Some medications that have an androgens hormone nature can aggravate acne by increasing the oil production and the blockage of the skin pore. The examples of these medications are lithium, some medications for anti-seizure, progestina (a component from birth control pill) and also anabolic steroids.

Inflammation: Most of the things that can aggravate the acne are: picking, squeezing or popping zits. Cleansing your skin too much, particularly using the abrasive facial scrubs can make the inflammation worse and even irritate your skin.

Picking or squeezing the acne spots can cause further disruption of the acne oil glands and worsen the inflammation. This disruption can lead the contents of the oil glands leak deeper into the skin, which can also worsen the inflammation.

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