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Monday, May 12, 2008

Acne Solutions for Moderate Acne

How do you know if you suffer moderate acne? If you already try the over the counter products, and they are not working to clear your acne, there’s a chance that you suffer moderate acne.

Moderate acne are characterized by a lot of papules and pustules that covering approximately 1/4 to 3/4 of face.

What are Papules and pustules? Papules are an inflammatory acne lesion (comedo) that characterized with a small red bump on the skin surface. Pustules are an inflammatory acne lesion (comedo) that characterized with a whitehead surrounded by a ring of redness.

If you got moderate acne it is better that you go and see your local doctor to get a right advice to treat the acne as soon as possible cause moderate acne can leave a permanent scar on the skin if they are being leave untreated long enough.

There are two forms of acne scars, first as a bump or as skin tissue that raised, the second type is like a pit or depression.

Types of acne treatment for moderate acne

Actually the only treatment or prevention that is reliable for moderate acne is to treat the acne in its early course. Moderate acne could be treated with a physical methods like extracting the comedo or using combination of solutions and lotions, antibiotic and topical retinoid prescribed by your local doctor

There are two types of acne antibiotics, topical cream that can be applied to skin directly or oral medications in tablets form. Both types have a function of anti-inflammatory and to decrease the bacteria in the skin. Examples of oral antibiotics could be erythromycin, minocycline, tetracycline, and doxycycline or for female are anti-androgens and oestrogens.

Topical retinoid cream is a derivative of vitamin A that is effective in unblocking the clogged skin pores and preventing the new blockage to form. If your doctor prescript you with Topical retinoid cream for your acne treatment, you might experience some discomfort when you first use it, your skin can have some redness and peeling. In the first three weeks new acne can still appear but that's normal as they will soon disappear. After six weeks you can see that the amount of the acne will be decrease. In twelve weeks times your acne shouldn't be a problem to you anymore.

Moderate Acne Solutions Walkthrough

So what to do if you have moderate acne?

Step 1
Go and see your local doctor.

Step 2
Your doctor might prescribed you a topical or oral antibiotic.

Step 3
Apply the acne treatment for approximately twelve weeks.

Step 4
If after twelve weeks there no improvement, go back to you local doctor and ask for a referral to a dermatologist, there’s a chance that you got a severe acne.

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