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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Acne Solution for the Four Types of Severe Acne

Before we can discuss the acne solution for severe acne, it is better that we know first the four types of severe acne. Those four types of severe acne are:

1. Acne Conglobata

2. Acne fulminans

3. Gram Negative Folliculitis

4. Nodulocystic Acne

Acne conglobata is the most chronic and the most severe form of acne. Mostly occur to male age 18 to 30.

Acne Conglobata can be characterized by interconnected of numerous large lesions, along with the widespread of blackheads (open comedos). It could cause irrevocable, severe damage to the skin, and disfiguring scarring.

Acne conglobata may be resulted by untreated acne cysts, papules or pustules that rapidly deteriorate. It is often can be found on the thighs, face, chest, buttocks, back, and upper arms.

Acne Solution for Acne Conglobata

The usual acne solution for acne conglobata is isotretinoin, however some antibiotics may prescribed as well. Acne conglobata is sometimes resistant to treatment, so it may be necessary to have several courses of aggressive treatment over a period of years to control it.

Acne Fulminans is an abrupt onset of highly inflammatory acne. It normally occurs to a person who may have had failure treatment for acne conglobata.

Acne fulminans can be characterized by inflammation, severe symptoms and ulcerating acne, plus you can get fever and aching of the joints ussually at knees and hips.

Acne Solution for Acne Fulminans

Acne Fulminans is resistant to antibiotics therefore the normal acne solution for Acne fulminans would be Isotretinoin and some anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the inflammation.

Gram Negative Folliculitis is a rare condition where inflammation resulted by the follicles infected by a bacteria. It usually occurs to a person who may have had long-term antibiotic treatment for acne conglobata.

Acne Solution for Gram negative folliculitis

Just like acne fulminans, Gram Negative Folliculitis is resistant to antibiotics as well. Isotretinoin is the best acne solution for as it is often effective to treat Gram Negative Folliculitis.

Nodulocystic acne is the severe acne characterized by cysts. It can be so painful and can widespread over chest, shoulder, scalp, back, face and neck.

Acne solution for Nodulocystic acne.

Usual acne solution for nodulocystic acne would be to melt the cysts using intralesional corticosteroids. Another acne solution would be an aggressive treatment with isotretinoin and antibiotics. However if the follicular cysts are resistant to the medications the only acne solution would need surgical excision and drainage.

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