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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Natural Cures For Acne - Nature Cures to Rapidly Clear Up Acne

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Natural Cures For Acne - Nature Cures to Rapidly Clear Up Acne
By Abayomi K. Aje

Natural acne cures are by far the best way to get rid of acne quick. This is because, they are simple, easy to use, effective and highly very cheap - you also can afford them. And importantly, one do not need the help of a doctor or dermatologist as they only require an adjustment in your daily lifestyle.

To cure your acne naturally, you need to make serious readjustment in your lifestyle. Medical researches show that the consumption of saturated or processed fats, vegetable oils and fatty foods in general can seriously aggravated acne. Therefore the best natural acne cure is your diet. A well balanced diet should contain more fruits and vegetables ( natural vegetables not processed veggies). While foods such as milk products, saturated or processed fat, sugar items such as soda and all other junks are not medically healthy for your general wellness and for acne.

It is usually very tough to determine a standard diet for acne sufferers as every one reacts to food items in unique ways. If you have to get rid of that acne as soon as possible, then you must find out which food items give you more acne and stop eating them with immediate effect until the acne clears up or subsides.

Some medical researches ( few of them though) have connected acne with stress and lack of good night rest. I believe in that theory and I try to allot more time sleep and good rest in order to avoid and I think you should also try to allot more time to enough a good sleep as if you nothing to lose even if it's not truth - prevention is better than cure remember? . Taking a cool bath before hitting the sack is also a very advisable thing to do as it keeps your skin clean and help keep it well relaxed in preparation for a good night rest.

One of the major reason why people have acne is that most people don't care to change their pillows. For many, gel or creams they apply on their skin or even hair is a good trigger for acne. This same gel or creams are being deposited on your pillow case or cover and they finally find their way to your skin when you use the pillow(s).

Personally have tried different kinds of natural acne cures but the best natural acne cure I have found is Rosehip seed oil. It is a special type of oil which is present in cosmetics. It is probably one of the most effective natural acne cure. For maximum benefit, you will never to massage the affected area with the oil for a minimum of 15 minutes daily.

Acne can be well prevented by following the above described natural cures for acne but you may have to contact a dermatologist as there are many instances where natural acne cures may not work.

As you can see, there are so many ways to get rid of acne/pimple in less than 1 week. There are so many homemade acne treatment that any one can use to get rid of acne but in my own case nothing seem to work. But after many years of suffering from acne, I have finally found a scientifically proven Way To naturally cure acne In Just Three Days.! Yes This is your opportunity to change To The Way You Look And Feel About Yourself...Right Now. You can download your free 8 part report at http://howtoclearupacne.com. I am sure Your skin will never remain the same after reading my report.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abayomi_K._Aje

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