Acne Prevention Tips Presents:
Water and Acne - A Vital Link
The vital need for water extends to most of the major systems of the body if they are to function correctly. Skin loses water every day through perspiration. The lungs require two glasses each day. The small intestines also need it to function properly - the lack of it may be a factor in faulty elimination. Your kidneys - the most important organs in the body's elimination system - use large quantities of water daily to carry out waste.
About 12% of your skin is made up of water, so water is a relevant factor in your skin's health. The correct fat/water ratio helps your skin from getting acne. There is controversy over whether water should be distilled or not, there are arguments for and against using distilled water. Personally, I filter mine and seem to do OK on it.
Most of us do not drink enough water. Many people falsely use thirst as a criterion for taking water, this is not a good indicator - thirst is the first indication that you are de-hydrated and in serious need. Water should be drunk at regular intervals whether you have a desire for it or not.
You need an absolute minimum of 1 quart of water per day, preferably more towards 2 quarts; most of us can stand more. If you currently drink less water than this, start increasing the quantity until you are at a beneficial level.
Drinking more water helps remove these dreaded toxins from your blood. The more water you drink, the more you urinate, the more toxins are washed away. Clean blood promotes clear healthy skin.
Use glass containers when buying water. If possible, avoid plastic water containers as plastic contains chemicals which leaches out into the water.
Your smoothies and fresh juices will contribute to your water intake but sodas do not.
Here are a few tips. Find a 16 or 32 oz glass container and fill with (distilled) water. Then add one of the following nutrients:
* A few drops of Alkalife. This activates the water with its electrolytes (sodium and potassium). Great, but not only that, it also changes the water pH from a 7 to an 8.
* Don't like the taste of water? Squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. No sweeteners but a little honey is OK.
* To the lemon water you could stir in up to one teaspoon of powdered MSM. As MSM softens the cells it makes the skin more flexible and permeable so nutrients get through easier. Other benefits to MSM are that it is anti-inflammatory and it also activates peristaltic action, preventing constipation.
Any one of these natural additives will contribute to real improvement in your skin. Drink this water all day long, every day.
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Megan Richards here: Did you find this article useful? You'll find a lot more information about acne skin care and nutrition and how to treat acne here...
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Acne Prevention Tips