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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Causes of Acne

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Many people have suffered through years of acne, and I was one of them. The problem persisted for over ten years in my case, and I had to visit a doctor to finally rid myself of it forever. In the years that I did have acne, it seemed like everyone around me was convinced that they knew exactly what was causing the condition.

Some said that fried and greasy foods were what caused the breakouts, but that's really not true. It's a convenient way for parents to discourage their children from eating these foods, but greasy foods aren't responsible for acne. The only way the two could be linked is if you were to actually get some of the grease on your skin, which blocks up the pores and could cause acne.

Some suggested that I wasn't taking good care of my skin. While it's true that it never hurts to practice good hygiene, acne isn't caused by a lack of face washing. It's actually caused by the oil and dead cells under the skin of the face.

Tanning or sun exposure were suggested as cures. Although the darkening of the skin helps cover up the acne a little, it's still not a cure. This advice could have far-reaching health consequences in that too much sun or tanning can lead to skin cancer. It also tends to age the skin prematurely.

Here are some of the actual, 100% true facts about acne.

Try to keep your hair from hanging on your face. Your hair contains natural oils that clog up the pores on your face, which can cause acne. Keep your hair off your face to avoid this problem.

Some types of makeup actually promote acne. Be careful when choosing and applying makeup, and if it's a problem for you, look for special makeup made especially for people with acne problems.

Being stressed can lead to breakouts. It doesn't always happen, but it has been known to occur, and it's especially prevalent in some people.

When you have a breakout, think about your recent stress level. If you notice a correlation between your flare ups and high stress levels, you may be able to better control your acne by reducing your stress.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Baby Blue Light Acne Therapy - Something Worth Trying

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Many people struggle on a daily basis with acne. We try creams, ointments, and medication and nothing seems to help. You would expect that in the wide choice of creams or devices out there, one product is certainly effective, should you actually find it, or know it exists. There actually is something out now worth trying. It is called the Baby Blue Light Therapy Device for Acne. Since its release on the market, more and more acne sufferer have been using it with success. The reason is because it is a safe and effective way to reduce blemishes by killing the bacteria that causes acne. This product will leave your skin looking clean and clear.

Quasar light therapy home devices are the most powerful on the market. Using the device regularly will tighten your skin and it will feel more active. This blue light therapy device is portable and can be used from the comfort of your own home. The device is equiped with the same technology and uses same light wavelenghts that the professional devices use. This light therapy is pain free and gentle on your skin. This is a non-invasive and non abrasive process, and a very easy to use to. The small size makes it easy to operate and allows you to concentrate on problem areas effectively.

A light therapy device is a very solid cost-effective solution. While spending few hundred dollars to get your device may seem an expensive idea, it is not when you think of all the savings you make on skin care creams or dermatologists sessions. Light therapy treatments done by professionals can add up to few thousands of dollars. Also note that you can administer your own light treatment from home at anytime.

The Baby Blue for acne device is popular for one reason and one reason only. It works. You don't need any other drugs and chemicals contained in various acne ointments. Now only one product is required to leave your skin as you really want it to be, soft and clean.

Another Quasar light therapy device is the red light one, Baby Quasar that treats aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, etc. It is the actual original product, released before Baby Blue. Both devices are available separately or in a dual package named Power Pack. This will offer you a complete and advanced all in one skin care solution.

http://skinlighttherapy.net is your one stop website for details on light therapy for skin devices. Check out the Baby Quasar Baby Blue page for more details on this amazing skin care tool.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cure Pimples - The Simple and Natural Way

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Now acne (pimples) can really be a heartbreaking skin disease to have. The sight of those spots on your face could drive you crazy. Over the years, people have come up with different methods of curing acne, all to no avail. But here, I will reveal to you some secret methods that can provide you with an effective and permanent acne cure that you never thought was possible.

Acne is commoner among teenagers and young people. And unfortunately, this is the period in anyone's life when he/she desires to look good and attractive. So you can only imagine the amount of damage this skin condition can do to anyone's self confidence and self-esteem.


The best and most effective way to cure pimples is to do it the NATURAL WAY. It is quite amazing that a lot of people still believe that creams and medication are the answer. These so-called creams and tablets, apart from being extremely expensive, offer NO REMEDY AT ALL, because before you know it the spots will reappear again. And they also have toxic side-effects that can be harmful to the body. A lot of manufacturers have even had to face lawsuits for this.

To cure acne permanently, you fist of all need to live a healthy lifestyle and choose your diet wisely. Vitamin A has been found to be of immense benefit to long-time acne sufferers. Household items like aloe-vera, egg white and oatmeal have also been proven to have a magical effect on the human skin.

I would recommend a very magical system I came across on the internet sometime ago. Click here to learn more about it:

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Vitamins For Acne Treatment - Discover the Secret

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Acne problem has troubled youngsters and adults alike for years. No one likes to be seen around with acne; after all it mars the beauty of even the loveliest face. Every one who has suffered acne would tell you that they have hunted for years and have secretly wished for a magic wand to banish their acne and relieve them from the emotional turmoil they have faced for years. Innumerable acne products, home acne remedies, grandma concoctions...the list is endless for acne treatments. But the big question that arises is that which is the appropriate cure for acne? Which acne treatment actually works? Is there any sure shot remedy for curing acne? Science suggests that we can use vitamins for acne treatment very effectively. Let us have a look at how we can use vitamins for acne treatment.

Acne is a signal from the skin that it is not getting its required dosage of nutritional supplements and is bereft of some vital vitamins and minerals. Vitamins that are not fat soluble are flushed out from the body and are not absorbed at all. Vitamin A, E and D are fat soluble and get deposited in the body and should be taken carefully. What you actually need is to understand the deficiencies of your skin and a wise use of vitamins for acne treatment.

Amongst all the vitamins for acne treatment, Vitamin A is considered quite effective. It contains beta-carotene that is very essential for building up the skin tone and texture. It helps build a protective mask on the skin saving it from acne outbursts. Vitamin A is an excellent antioxidant and flushes out the toxins from the body naturally, leaving the skin healthier. It not only protects but also nourishes and repairs any damage to the skin and controls the sebum production, thereby giving you a clear skin. The dosage of Vitamin A should not exceed 25,000 IU per day for a normal healthy person.

Vitamin B is also a very vital vitamin for acne treatment. They can be taken separately as Vitamin B3, B5 and B6 or in the form of Vitamin B Complex. Vitamin B is known to be very effective in giving you a healthy skin tone. Vitamin B is also very effective in soothing the nerves and helps in calming the person agonized with acne. 400 IU of Vitamin E can be excellent for absorption of Vitamin A and repairs the skin damage with its wonderful antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is an excellent immunity builder for the skin fighting off external elements that may cause harm to the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties that shield the skin and is a must have for effective cure for acne.

Scientific studies have shown that oily skins, excess heat and toxins give rise to acne problems. Consult a qualified dermatologist to understand your skin structure and what it is devoid of. You can get cured permanently by using vitamins for acne treatment, but only if used with care and caution. Seek medical advice before deciding on the use of vitamins for acne treatment as they can be equally harmful when taken in larger quantities.

You had been treating the symptoms so far and now that you have understood the root cause of the acne problem and of course, the real scientific remedy also. Why not learn more about vitamins for acne and get into action?

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

What Actually Causes Acne?

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Acne is caused due to many reasons, primarily, hormonal changes, excessive oil on the skin, humidity, and clogged pores of the skin.

Our hormonal imbalance is one of the biggest cause of acne. The sebaceous glands present in the skin vary in size, depending upon our hormones. If our hormonal level increases, specially in case of teenagers, the size of our sebaceous glands also increases. This results in the production of excessive oil, also known as the sebum.

The traces of sebum can be at any place of our body, primarily face, neck, shoulders, back and chest region. However, the face is more sensitive that the rest of the mentioned body parts and hence the produced sebum cannot be managed well by our facial skin. This results in the reaction of excessive body oils with the dead skin present on and around the pores of the facial skin. This mixture of oil and dead skin clogs our skin pores.

Moreover, when skin pores are clogged, bacteria starts to gather in them and start their mushroom growth. The body's immune system makes the white blood cells attack these bacteria. This results in the formation of whiteheads, which is termed as the first stage of acne formation.

Once whiteheads are formulated, they are soon turned into blackheads if no action is taken against them. Hence, the acne keeps on getting worse and pimples are produced which may stay for a while, or worse, they may leave a scar behind.

It is therefore recommended to keep a close eye on your skin, and if you feel the formation of whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, make sure to contact your dermatologist before the acne leaves a scar.

Learn more about best acne treatment methods and other health related issues like signs of depression in men and women.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

What to Look For in an Acne Treatment

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There is no medicine, lotion or ointment that can be termed as the acne eliminator. In fact, there may be instances that a certain type of acne treatment may work wonders on one person, but it may prove to be of no good on another person. Every person has a different type of skin, age group, body resistance towards acne, climatic conditions in which the person lives and the stage of acne etc.

However, everyone should look for certain elements to be found in their acne-treatment. The most effective acne treatment must have the following features:
1.The elimination of prevailing acne and acne spots currently present on one's skin.
2.Prevention of further acne or the current acne to spread.
3.Using natural and organic ingredients in your acne treatment.
4.Taking care of the bacterial growth on the skin pores as well as dealing with hormonal issues.
5.Should not have a side-effect.
6.Ideally the product should be confident about its treatment that it should have a money-back guarantee.

The ZenMed Derma Cleanse System was voted as the best product for the treatment of acne in the year 2008 by its users from all over the world. The skin products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid also prove to treat acne. If you suffer from moderate type of acne, there are two main types of remedies: synthetic vitamins and antibiotics.

However, if one suffers from acute acne that results in scarring, one should consult a good dermatologist at the earliest. If you feel that topical creams, vitamins and antibiotic treatments are not for you, you can opt for laser treatment. Make sure your dermatologist recommends you such a treatment before you proceed.

Learn more about best acne treatment methods and other health related issues like signs of depression in men and women.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Some Useful Home Remedies For Acne

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There was a time when skin issues where treated at home by using natural and organic products. Then after the advancement of medical sciences, people became more interested and dependent on medicines, creams and lotions that are either available in the market as an over-the-counter drug or prescribed by a dermatologist. However, now there is a new trend that has taken us back to the days when we had to ask our mother and grandmother for a homemade treatment.

Try out the following homemade remedies for acne and see what miracle lies in your kitchen:

1.Rose water: Spray cold rose water on your acne at least twice a day. You will notice that rose water reduces the itching caused by acne.
2.Aloe Vera: Take an Aloe Vera leaf and split it. Apply the gel on the acne and let it dry. Wash your face after an hour or two. Constant application may result in reducing acne to a great extent.
3.Cider Vinegar: Dilute cider vinegar by mixing it in water and then apply onto the skin. Cider Vinegar is an excellent astringent that soothes the acne prone skin.
4.Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil when applied in small quantity to acne results in drying the excessive oily acne area and provide coolness to the skin.
5.Toothpaste: By applying toothpaste overnight, you can feel reduction in burning of skin.
6.Mint: Boil fresh mint in water, and drink this water at least four to five times a day. You will feel your skin getting better and the acne vanishing.
7.Raspberry and Strawberry leaves: Berries are considered to be very effective in treating acne. Boil dried leaves of strawberry or raspberry in water and drink this liquid daily.

Learn more about best acne treatment methods and other health related issues like signs of depression in men and women.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Natural Acne Remedies - Seven Acne Home Remedies You Can't Be Without

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Here are seven acne home remedies you can't be without.

1. Soap and water.

For acne vulgaris, also known as common acne, the usually unspoken truth is that soap and water are just for daily cleansing. The lowest-cost options are Dove for dry skin and Ivory for oily skin.

Just be sure that you apply a soapy lather, not the bar of soap itself, directly to your skin. Then rinse your face with warm water. Simply keeping soap film out of pores can enable you to use lower-cost products.

2. Fresh, whole milk.

The ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra was renowned for her beauty, which she maintained by taking baths in milk.

We don't suggest that you fill your bathtub with milk and take a soak. In fact, just a couple of tablespoons (15-30 ml) are more than enough.

Soak a clean cloth in fresh whole milk. Apply it to your face for 15 to 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The lactic acid in the milk is the gentlest natural skin peel.

Exfoliating your face with milk costs just pennies per application, and it can keep dead skin from building up around the edges of pores and trapping oil inside.

3. Honey, preferably Manuka honey.

You can also do a honey facial. Apply a teaspoon (5 g) of honey in an even layer all over your face, and allow it to dry. The honey kills the staph bacteria that cause big red pimples with yellow centers.

Nearly 200 scientific studies confirm the use of honey as an antiseptic for the skin.

4. Baking soda.

You can correct mistakes you make with exfoliants and toners with baking soda. If you put on a product and it stings, chances are it's just too acidic for your skin. You should rinse off that product right away, but you can stop any damage by then applying a thin paste of baking soda.

Make a slurry of baking soda by combining a tablespoon (15 g) of baking soda with a tablespoon (15 ml) of water. Spread evenly over your face and keep it on for at least 5 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water.

5. Your humidifier or vaporizer.

Moisture in the air helps keep your skin from drying out. And when your skin is moist, it is soft and flexible. This keeps pores open so whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and cysts never get a chance to form.

6. Moisturizers.

It's a myth that drying out your skin will cure acne.

In fact, drying out your skin, especially if you have fair or allergy-prone skin, always makes acne worse. Any kind of moisturizer will help keep pores open. Just be sure you use a moisturizer that does not contain oil (labeled as a "humectant") if you have oily skin.

7. Tea tree oil.

Along with honey, tea tree oil creams are essential natural antiseptics for keeping skin acne-free. Tea tree oil kills just as many acne bacteria as the more widely used and more expensive benzoyl peroxide, but it also stops inflammation, irritation, and redness.

More Natural Acne Remedies

There are many natural acne remedies. Some are old wives tales but most are extremely effect.

Acne is unique to each individual however and what works for your friend may not work for you. A little trial and error is involved in finding the right natural acne remedy that works for you.

All of the above acne remedies will work. Give them a fair trial and if you don't see results in a week or so then seek out other natural acne remedies.

You can visit the Natural Acne Treatment website for more Natural Acne Solutions. Visit now! You have nothing to lose but those ugly zits.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Five Natural Cures For Acne That Work Every Time

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Natural cures for acne can be the way to go for everyday blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. There are some conditions, such as cystic acne and acne associated with psoriasis that really have to be treated by a doctor.

If you just have the everyday, garden variety of acne known as acne vulgaris or common acne, however, natural cures for acne can save you the hassle and expense of treatment by your dermatologist.

Here are five natural cures for acne that work in nearly every situation:

1. Remember MOM.

Milk of magnesia is a surprisingly effective treatment for pimples. A dab of milk of magnesia can hide the red of a pimple much more easily than makeup.

That's because to use concealer first you cancel out the red with green makeup, and then you hide the green makeup with flesh tone. You just need one drop of milk of magnesia-applied lightly-to cover up a pimple.

The magnesium in this remedy has an antioxidant effect in the skin that promotes circulation and healing, and when you eventually wash it off, excess oils and dead skin cells come off, too.

2. Soap and water often do the trick.

You can spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on skin cleansers, but for most of us soap and water actually work. What you need to remember is you don't rub soap into your skin with a washcloth. You make a lather of soapsuds and apply the lather to your skin, and then wash it off with warm water.

If you are on a budget, Dove is great for dry skin and Ivory is fine for oily skin.

3. Dissolve blackheads with moist heat.

The mistake people make in trying to remove blackheads is digging into the skin to get rid of the blackhead right away. Your skin will heal much faster, and you are far less likely to get acne scars, if you loosen up blackheads a little bit at a time.

Applying a compress you make by dipping a clean cloth in warm (not hot) water and holding it to the skin for 5 to 10 minutes will make any method of blackhead extraction work better.

4. For a honey of an acne cure, try actual honey.

You can make a honey mask just by applying a teaspoon (5 g) of honey with clean fingertips in a smooth layer over your entire, and then allowing it to dry for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

The real advantage in a honey mask is its ability to fight staph bacteria. These are not the common acne bacteria. These are the bacteria that produce large, red, painful pimples with a yellow circle in the center.

Honey is so effective against staph infection that some American cosmetic surgeons have started using it as an antiseptic prior to facelifts.

5. Get your shuteye.

Six uninterrupted hours of sleep, or more, every night has amazing benefits for your skin and for your health in general.

Your brain will have time to reprocess hunger hormones so it is easier for you to stay on a diet and to avoid the sugar that aggravates acne. And it will reprocess stress hormones that can stimulate the growth of skin over pores that trap sebum inside.

More About Natural Cures For Acne

Because acne is unique to each of use there are many natural cures for acne. Following the above five suggestions is a step in the right direction for finding a natural cure for acne that will work for you.

However, since we are all individuals, you may need to explore some other possible solutions. What works for your best friend just may not work for you at all.

Consider the above as a starting point and then explore more specific natural cures for acne.

Visit the Natural Acne Treatment website for more Natural Acne Solutions. Visit now! You have nothing to lose but those ugly zits.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Chin Acne - Easy Ways For Achieving Clear, Acne-Free Skin

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Around the world, many people suffer from acne. It is a common skin problem that often causes embarrassment to the sufferer. While teenagers are the most vulnerable to acne attack, adults are not free either. In fact, some adults still battle acne even in their thirties.

Even worse, acne can also occur in any parts of the body. The face, forehead and even back can all be the breeding grounds of acne. However, perhaps the most annoying of all is chin acne. Not only does chin acne hinder your appearance, it is also very difficult to conceal.

Undeniably, pimple on the chin is a disturbance that most people would rather be rid of. If you are seeking treatments to cure chin acne, there are several methods that you can try.

If you are the no-fuss type of person, the easiest method you can test to get rid of pimple on the chin is by taking over-the-counter medicines. These products are available in different forms, such as creams, gels, powder, etc.

For severe cases of acne, prescribed medications or antibiotics are usually more effective. A widely popular acne medication is Accutane, notorious for its serious side effects. However, the problem with these medications is that they do not actually cure acne, merely tackling its symptoms.

To fully cure pimple chin acne, it is suggested to try a holistic approach. Maintaining a healthy diet can significantly lower your chance to suffer from acne outbreaks; eat fruits and vegetables routinely.

It is also suggested to drink plenty of fluids, as water helps flush out toxin in the body and keeps the hormones level balanced.

Affandi Juhan is an Internet Marketing. Who

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Pimples Treatment - The Easy and Natural Way to Get Rid of Pimples Permanently

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There is no doubt that acne (also called pimples) can be a really stubborn skin condition. One of the main reasons for this is that most of the so-called acne drugs and creams you find in the market DO NOT really cure the condition. They only provide a temporary relief, and then, before you know it, the acne spots RETURN again. This has always been the "testimony" of many acne sufferers. And it probably will never end.


Acne is caused primarily by the blockade of fat-producing skin follicles. Bacteria can also play a role here. It is commoner around the onset of puberty, because around this time, certain body hormones that are favourable for pimples formation are produced in large quantities.


Very simple. Just do it THE NATURAL WAY. These are simple step-by-step guides that have worked MAGIC for the very few lucky people that have discovered them. A real effective way for pimples treatment.

First of all, it is important to consume PLENTY of water. The importance of water to the human body cannot be over-emphasized. Water helps to keep the body refreshed. And the more refreshed you are, the healthier you are.

Secondly, as we may know, acne is caused by bacteria. So any substance that kills bacteria will definitely cure acne. Plain and simple. Consumption of green tea has been proven to be of immense benefit in fighting acne-causing bacteria.

Thirdly, the utilization of the exfoliate properties of many home-based products like aloe-vera, oatmeal and apple cider vinegar have proven to be of immense benefit in fighting acne.

Fourthly...and this is very important...STAY AWAY FROM HEAVY MAKE UP! The chemicals contained in these products are usually toxic, and can cause so much damage to your skin. And believe me...this is simply no good.

Now, check this out:


I would recommend a very magical system I came across on the internet sometime ago. Click here to learn more about it: http://www.goodbye2acne.blogspot.com

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Best Way to Remove Acne

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Acne has been a severe dilemma of most individuals specially those people born with oily faces. It's brought on primarily by hormonal alterations, overactive oil glands, and blockage of the skin pores.

One of the most typical techniques that most folks do to deal with cystic acne is by putting creams or lotions on the infected parts. While this may be successful to some individuals, it could also pose some dangers to some - specifically if they have extremely sensitive pores and skin. It's best to seek advice from your skin care specialist just before you attempt putting on these creams and lotions.

An additional way to handle pimples is to undergo acne laser therapy. Whilst this approach may possibly be very efficient, it's definitely more expensive considering that advanced technology is already involved in this method. If you have a lot of money that you're willing to shell out just to treat your acne problem, then this technique may possibly be the best for you.

There are also home solutions accessible for acne treatments. 1 of them is by employing water, lemon juice, raw honey, milk, orange peel, and nutmeg. For one, you can test grinding nutmeg and mix it with unboiled milk and apply it on your acne and continue to keep them on for a couple of hours. One more way is to grind some orange peel and spot them on drinking water and then apply them on your acne to dry them out.

When you have acne or pimples, make positive that you don't touch them too much especially if you're hands are dirty. The dirt on your hands would just support the spread of virus and it will just make the acne troubles worse. Remember to clean your face at least two to three times a day with mild soap or acne cleanser which does not include harsh chemicals.

Even though you can locate surefire methods to handle or take away acne breakouts, it is constantly best to go back to the basics when it comes to these skin color issues. Meaning, you need to make some needed adjustments to the way you live your life. Reduce stress, eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and have sufficient sleep daily. This will not only make your pores and skin healthy, but make you feel better on the inside as well.

Our site has been in the Business world of Fitness and Health for a long time. We deliver and publish impartial reviews of effectiveness of our products for the benefits of our beloved customers. For more information about best acne treatments, please visit our web site. We also provide several acne medication suggestions.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's the Most Proven Acne Treatment?

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Many people have tried several different acne products without actually having any success in getting rid of their zits. And obviously, having acne is a enormous pain! Don't worry though - getting rid of acne is totally possible.

Let's quickly go over why most acne treatments don't actually work.

The issue with almost all of the treatments available is that they are designed to simply cover up or treat pimples AFTER they are already on your skin. These products don't actually treat the problem, they just attempt to treat one pimple at a time after they have already appeared.

This is a huge flaw! I don't see the point in attacking one zit if you aren't doing a thing to stop new outbreaks! I'm bothered by the fact that the acne product companies completely ignore this fact, but I imagine it's so that you never entirely get rid of your acne and then continue buying their treatments.

You must use a product that treats all of the elements that can cause acne if you want to eliminate your acne. To knock out your pimples, you need to treat all of the following - bacteria that causes acne, skin inflammation, plugged skin pores and overactive skin glands.

And it's totally feasible. Although there isn't many useful selections in the drugstores, you will find acne treatment solutions that are designed to touch on each of the causes of acne. You will find that these act as a system and typically involve a couple of steps to make sure you're fighting the causes appropriately.

Once you use a product that truly treats the causes of zits, you will see improvements within a week or so. Being able to get out of bed, glance in the mirror and see acne-free skin is a wonderful feeling.

Don't be discouraged if you have used products in the past that weren't effective! You can and will clear your skin once you locate the right treatment for your skin.

Finding the best acne treatment isn't complicated once you understand what to look for.

Click here to check out which treatments were ranked the highest for this year.

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