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So, make your choice. By quick fix measures I mean application of many of the home made concoctions that claimed to treat acne. It also includes handling of this problem through antibiotics. It tells you what goes inside your body when it develops acne and how to get rid of it.
There are quite a few home treatments for this malady, but the problem again is the same. There is no one treatment that works for all. So, even if a particular home remedy worked well and delivered results for your best friend, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for you too. It all depends on its severity. In severe cases nothing seems to work and one feels left out.
Most treatments fail to work for moderate or severe cases because these are simply temporary in nature. As you try to cure acne by application of these materials to skin, you aren't anywhere close to the cause of the problem. You keep trying different formulation in anticipation of being cured some day!. You should understand that as toxins get excreted from skin's pores, there is not much that any topical treatment can do to prevent it.
Curing acne means you have to attack the problem at its roots. That necessitates taking certain steps that helps to stop building up of toxins in body. Once you have successfully tackled the issue of excessive build up of toxins, they can't flow out through skin glands. Because body pores don't get clogged, it gets difficult for bacterial growth to proceed uninterrupted or unchecked. As a result there wouldn't be any spots on your body. There are two options for you. One is to understand what causes higher levels of toxins in your body and then taking control of that. The higher levels could be due diet, unbalanced hormones, harmful chemicals, even metal fillings in teeth, or some kind of yeast infection. Else, you need to enhance your body's ability to efficiently throw out toxins via kidney and lever. For best results both may be necessary.
Things That Your Dermatologists May Not Tell You
Few dermatologists are great and realize that this state of health needs a more holistic approach. However most of them would prescribe antibiotics. Some of common ones include: Benzyl Peroxide like Quinoderm or Erythramycin. All these reportedly have a low success rate because they don't tackle the basic cause of the problem. Apart from that, prescription of antibiotics exposes you to many of the unnecessary side effects. Prolonged treatment with antibiotics like tetracycline or others may kill the bacteria present in body but it affects the state of internal health that helps controlling the growth of bacteria. It's been observed that at the end of such treatments some patients reported worsening of condition.
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